Henderson Neighborhoods Which One is Right For You

Henderson Green Valley Ranch

How to Choose the Right Henderson or Las Vegas Neighborhood       Choosing where to live can be a very complex decision which should be based upon many factors and much careful consideration.  Yet so many times, we make hasty decisions based upon superficial things that in the long run, may make us unhappy with our choice.  Ultimately, being happy in life involves a) work or career, b) mate and c) where you live.  Lots of times, we spend little time thinking about where we live. Here are some things everyone should consider before committing to that all important home decision.  One should consider: cost of living and taxes, climate, environment for raising children and schools, proximity to friends and family and potential mates, professional opportunities, amenities and recreational opportunities, crime and safety and availability of transportation. Do you want to live downtown or in suburbia?  Are you more…

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Home Inspections What You Need To Know

What to Expect From a Home Inspection One of the steps to buying a home may involve getting a home inspection.  Now this step can be waived by the buyer, who usually pays for the inspection.  However, with such a large purchase and big investment at stake, why would one not opt for a home inspection? Home inspections will cover visible structure and foundation, walls, windows, ceilings, and the roof.  Gutters will be examined and the inspection will check for a slope away from the foundation. Inside the home, the inspectors will be looking for plumbing, electrical, heating or cooling problems.  He or she will test the water pressure and see if they are signs of mold and dampness.  All appliances that come with the sale are subject to inspection but inspectors will primarily focus on smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, if applicable.   Please note that they will tell…

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How Much House Can You Buy

How Much Can I Afford

How Much House Can You Afford? If you are interested in buying a home, it is a good idea to get preapproved for your mortgage.  It will save a lot of time and aggravation.  But how much house can you afford?  To arrive at an “affordable” home price, you should follow the guidelines of most lenders. This means, your total debt payments should be no more than 36% of your gross income. Why do lenders use this guideline? It’s been shown to be a level of debt that most borrowers can comfortably repay. For your income, you can consider all wages, monies from investments, dividends, alimony and any other money you earn.  Then, you need to examine all of your debts.  Debts include: credit cards, student loans, car payment, alimony paid out and any other debts you have. Also, you must include any savings you may want to save for…

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