Moving to Your Anthem Home 9 Simple Packing Tips To Help

9  Simple Packing Tips For Moving to Your New Home   Ugh.  Moving.  Usually one just has to think of the word and the stress builds!  Of course, there are so many costs involved in moving, so whether you do it yourself or hire someone, you can minimize the cost and stress with these tips. Start in advance. Don’t start packing on Friday for a move on Saturday.  You will not make it and you will be so stressed.  Do a little every day and start early.  I had a Jack Russell Terrier once who hated change.  Every night, my husband would walk him and I would do half an hour of packing and leave the boxes in the spare bedroom. Determine what you will move first. Go through all of your belongings and essentially decide if you will donate things, sell them or throw out stuff.  Anything that is in…

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